Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Waiting for my prince to come

Ask anyone who knows me and they'll tell you flat out how much I love princesses. In fact a really good friend of mine works in the framing department and when two Disney princess prints came in she automatically knew they were the perfect Christmas present for me (and oh how she was right). When we went to Disney for new years last year they barely could get me out of the princess store and I was half tempted to buy one of the little girls princess dress up gowns, I would have made it fit. My eyes would light up every time we saw one of the princess characters walking around and they'd have to remind me to keep walking or I would have turned and followed them.

So why am I addicted to these fairy tale characters?

Might stem from the fact that I've always dreamed of being swept off my feet by my own "prince." Or that after all of these years of really bad dating scenarios, finally one would work out and I'd ride off into the sunset with the man I love. Well let me tell you, the sweeping has yet to happen. I've been tripped, punched and smacked...but no sweeping. Maybe I fall for the wrong guy or I have bought too much into the happy ending idea. Maybe I've let the bad guys trick me into not believing anymore. That should change.

Shouldn't every girl have her fairy tale ending?

We all have our own versions of our fairy tale endings. In a perfect world, I'd ride off into not the sunset but my barn. And that barn would be next to my fairy tale house and both of those would be on the ideal equestrian facility. I'd spend my days teaching eager kids and adults how to ride like they only ever dreamed they could. I'd spend time working with the best coaches in the hopes that one day I would get to ride in the Olympics (huge huge huge dream of mine). I'd be a mom, and I'd live happily ever after with my family. I'd have the opportunity to travel, enjoy hobbies like photography and theatre and be genuinely happy. Now I know that I could do the coaching thing, I'm rather good actually...and that's not bragging...I've just spent a lot of time perfecting what I did (up until my injury and then with others after the injury).

I think if I wasn't teaching I'd be happy being a photojournalist or a writer, two passions that most people don't know I have. Its not that I'm not open about them, I just don't see them as financially stable. Well that is unless I find a dreamy and really hot doctor and he can financially support me.

So where am I now?

I'm in love with a man, who I think could provide me with the world if he wanted to. And maybe he'll come to the conclusion that he wants to. Can I see spending the rest of my life with him, not right now but maybe eventually. Right now I can't even see what I'm doing at the end of the year, let alone for the rest of my life. But that is a whole blog entry in itself.

The spring semester starts on Monday, and right now its looking to be a rough semester. But I just have to keep telling myself that this chapter of my fairy tale will be over in less than 11 months. Maybe this will be the year that I finally get "swept" or as close as you can get to it, by the man in my life now or the man I'm supposed to be with. He has to be out there somewhere.

So I close with a quote from my favorite princess story: Cinderella.

Have faith in your dreams and someday your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.

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