Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You have to know where you've been to know where you're going.

"You have to know where you've been to know where you're going"

Ask anyone who's known me for a few years, I'm scary good at dieting. And yeah its hard at times because people will judge me on what I eat or they'll even go as far as making fun of what I eat. People make comments on the fact that I usually spend six to seven days a week in the gym. I don't even really diet anymore, I've just made some permanent adjustments to my life so I don't get back to where I've been.

But I'm human and I slip up, I eat too much or I don't eat enough. Sometimes I workout too hard and sometimes I skip my time at the gym because I'm busy or just don't feel like it. I read books on weight loss, I watch weight loss shows and I even have two weight loss blogs. So why write this post? Sometimes its frustrating and I don't feel like I've gotten anywhere. And I'm there. So I guess this post is more for me, and not for the one or two people who may read this.

January 2005, was a rough year for me. I hit an all-time high weight and I've never looked back. I'm not quite back down to where I want to be, but my confidence level is boosted and I think within the next six months I will get to my happy weight. While my journey seems to have hit a plateau, I hope to the scales show a loss soon. The photo above shows where I've been, the one below shows where I am now and I can only look better as I move into the future. I have made some progress and I think I look better than I did just a couple of years ago. Which makes me feel better. I get stronger with each training session and I'm happy, I don't think I could ask for more...well other than for the scale to start moving again.

"Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"

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