Thursday, December 18, 2008

In Remembrance

“I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have yours. But sorrow, gladness, yearning, hope, love, belong to all of us, in all times and in all places. Music is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality.”
H. A. Overstreet

I searched all over for just the right quote about music, but the closest I could find was the one listed above. As a child I was surrounded by music, my parents would play everything from 70's rock music to early classic broadway. My grandfather was a jazz musician and played three instruments: saxophone, clarinet and flute. From the day I was born I was destined to play that flute, and for my grandfather I would have played it on my head.

Sadly for my family we lost my grandfather very early, and even though I was only 10 at the time I truly understood what a loss it was. He was such a great man, everyone always wanted to be around him. He was like the glue holding us together, and without him we became divided. Even now, seventeen years since his passing, I wonder what our family would be like if he was still here.

I would probably still be playing the flute, and I'd be singing. We'd have Christmas Eve family gatherings. I'd go to hear him play jazz every chance I could get. He would have taken better care of my grandmother and maybe her Alzheimer's wouldn't have progressed like it did. I'd be driving a different car (but I'm not bitter...nope not one bit...haha).

I think what I miss most about him is his energy for life, and the passion that he had for life. In many ways I'm exactly like him. He's given me a love for music that at times has gotten me through some tough situations. I think the only person in the world that loved Christmas more than I did was him. I still love Christmas, hell its my favorite time of year because its almost a magical time. But since his passing was just a few weeks before Christmas, I still get a little sad and realize how much I miss him. So this entry is in remembrance of my Grandpa Kieffer, may he be playing and painting his days away in Heaven.

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