Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Harsh Words

If you think twice before speaking once, you will speak twice the better for it.

- William Penn

How many people really think before they say something, especially when they're emotionally unbalanced when they're saying it. Recently I had an ex use some harsh words that I don't think he realized were harsh. In his mind he was being truthful and honest. In reality he was saying something that made me feel cheap and hurt. So why don't we slow down when we speak?

In a fast paced world we are constantly being told that faster is better. You search to find the fastest internet service or short-cuts to shave seconds off your commute. Even when it comes to human communication we don't even pick up the phone to call someone anymore, instead we pick up the phone and type a quick message. Is this really what our communication skills are being reduced to? A world of text messaging?

Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad at my ex for his harsh words. Not going down the same path with him again was probably the best thing that could have happened. I do wish that he was a part of my life, but that is not in the cards.
So the next time you pick up your phone to text someone, consider calling them. The sound of someone's voice is so much more comforting than the beep of an incoming text message. In a world driven by fast paced technology and short-cuts we need to spend some time on the slower more meaningful parts of life.

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